Tuesday, June 7, 2011


( R P P )

Satuan Pendidikan            : SMP NEGERI ………………..
Mata Pelajaran                  : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester               : VII/ 1
Materi Pokok                    : Mendengarkan
Alokasi waktu                   : 2 x 40’

1. Standar Kompetensi :

2. Mendengarkan
Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat
2. Kompetensi Dasar:
2.2 Merespon makna gagasan yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendeksangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat
3. Indikator                      :
Mengidentifikasi makna gagasan dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek berupa:
Shopping list
Greeting card
Jenis teks                         : Transaksional dan interpersonal
Aspek / skill                     : Mendengarkan
4. Tujuan Pembelajaran    :
Menjelang berakhirnya pembelajaran siswa dapat :
-Mengidentifikasi makna gagasan dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek   berupa:
- Instruksi
- Shopping list
-Greeting card
- Announcement
5. Materi pembelajaran      :
Teks fungsional pendek:
1.- Congratulations !
   - Well done !
2. Announce ment !
“ School will close tomorow since  it’s the MAULID day
 3. Come in !
 4. Things to bring a long for camping
- cooking utensils
- tents
- clothing

6. Metode Pembelajaran / teknik  : Three – phase tecnique

7. Langkah – langkah Kegiatan :
a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan
1. Salam / Tegur sapa
2. Absensi
3. Apersepsi
4. Motivasi
b. Kegiatan Inti :
5. Menirukan   percakapan  yang didengar tentang makna yang tersurat dalam ungkapan-ungkapan  fungsional pendek berupa shopping list
Shoppng List’s Script (English on Sky, page 97)
Iwan         : What Are you doing?
Butet         : Mmmm…I am making a shopping list.
Iwan         : A shopping list?
Butet         : Yep. My mom asked me to go shopping, so I am
                  making a shopping list first before I go
Iwan         : I see. What’s on your list anyway?
Butet         : Well. Let me see …. I have Sugar, Coffee, Apples,
                  Shampoo, Oranges…..
Iwan         : What about Rice?
Butet         : Yes, rice. I’ll put rice in it. And then…..
Iwan         : cooking oil?
Butet         : No, I don’t think I need to buy that. We still have a
Iwan         : Sugar?
Butet         : it’s already on the list. See?
Iwan         : Mmm…what about washing powder and soap?
Butet         : Right! Washing powder. I’ll put it on the list but
                  not the soap. We still have some bars of soap
6. Student listen to some questions.
1. How many people are there in the dialogue?
2. Who are they?
3. Who wants to buy somethings?
4. What does she/he want to buy?
7. Ask them to understand the questions. Then student answer the
8. Memperhatikan  kosakata dan tatabahasa yang mungkin muncul dalam makna yang tersurat dalam ungkapan-ungkapan  fungsional pendek lisan berupa shopping list
- a kilo of Apples
- One bar of....
- A basktet of....
- A bottle of.....
- Three cans of...
- A loat of....
- A pack of.....
- A tube of.....
9. Mendengarkan teks-teks lisan fungsional pendek yang terkait dengan topik materi terkait
10. Menjawab pertanyaan- pertanyaan tentang makna gagasan yang terdapat dalam materi teks
c. Kegiatan Penutup
11. Menanyakan kesulitan yang dihadapi peserta didik selama PBM
12. Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran
13. Penugasan / Pekerjaan Rumah
- Ask students to write shopping list at home, for example her/his
   mother shopping list

Pertemuan Berikutnya

a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan
1. Salam / Tegur sapa
2. Absensi
3. Apersepsi
4. Motivasi
Students listen to the teacher’s question
“ Tommorrow, we have gotong royong, we should bring some
 tools like:sicle, broom to clean our room and school”
-  Do you know that?
- How do you know?
- Where do you know the information?
- Ok, our topic is about Announcement
b. Kegiatan Inti :
1. Siswa mendengarkan teks Announcement yang di bacakan oleh guru.
   (Boleh di rekam suara sendiri)
   Script of the text
2. Students liten to text two or three times
3. Students answer some questions that related to the text which       they listen to.
1.     To whom is the announcement?
2.      Who writes the announcement?
3.     What is the announcement about?
4.     What subject is talked in the announcement?
4. Check the students answer and discuss it
c. Kegiatan Penutup
1. Menanyakan kesulitan yang dihadapi peserta didik selama PBM
2. Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran
3. Penugasan / Pekerjaan Rumah
- Ask the students to find out announcements in the newspaper or magazines
8. Sumber Pembelajaran :
Script teks funsional pendek lisan Dari buku teks
Script teks fungsional pendek lisan yang ada dalam kehidupan nyata
9. Penilaian :
Tes lisan
Tes tulis
 Unjuk kerja
Daftar pertanyaan
Pilihan ganda
Respon tindakan
10. Instrument:
Listen and answer the questions orally!
Listen and mention as many shopping list items as you can remember

Listen to the announcement and fill in the blank spaces
Write down T/F for the statements
Choose the best answer by crossing a, b, c, or d

Match the statements in list A and B

Listen to the instruction and do it!

Mengetahui :
Kepala SMPN ……………….                               …………………,  Juli  2009
                                                                             Guru Bidang Study

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NIP. ………………                                                      NIP. …………………

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